The Namibia Labour Force Survey 2018 Report
2018 LFS
The translated title may simply be a translation into English from a countyr's own langauge.
Name | Country code |
Namibia | NAM |
Labor Force Survey [hh/lfs]
A Survey may be repeated at regular interval (such as labour force survey)
This report presents the main findings of the Namibia Labour Force Survey of 2018. The survey was conducted by the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) with funding from the Government of the Republic of Namibia.
The survey collected data on the labour market activities of individuals aged eight (8) years and above who were present in Namibia on the reference night of the 30th September 2018. Interviewing of households started on the 1st October and ended on the 16th October 2018. Like in the preceding surveys, the LFS 2018 was conducted by interviewing individuals in private households excluding persons who were in institutions at the time of the survey.
The objective of this report is to provide the main findings and indicators arising from the survey to promote understanding of the labour market situation prevailing in the country between 2017 and 2018 period. The findings presented in this report will go a long way in providing the basis for better planning, policy formulation and labour-related discussions.
For international comparisons, the result presented in this report covers persons aged 15 years and older. The number of the estimated people aged 15 years and above in each economic status is shown in Figure 1 below.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The survey covers all aspects of people's work, including employment, unemployment, underemployment, occupation, industry, education and training needed to equip them for work, wages and salaries.
LFS 2018
The survey covers all aspects of people's work, including employment, unemployment, underemployment, occupation, industry, education and training needed to equip them for work, wages and salaries.
Topic |
Methodology |
Demographic characteristics |
Labour Force and Inactive Population |
Employment |
Unemployment |
Youth employment |
The sample of 572 PSUs was selected in the firtst stage using the Probability Proportional to size (PPS).sampling procedure together wth systematic sampling.The final sample for the LFS 2018 was 10296 households sampled from a total of 572 PSUs nationwide.Eighteen households (18) were sampled per PSU.
NLFS 2018 was conducted in all 14 administrative regions and information is presented at a regional ,National and Urban and Rural levels.
Name | Affiliation |
Namibia Statistics Agency | NSA |
Name | Role |
Namibia Statistics Agency | Producer |
Name | Abbreviation | Role |
Government Republic of Namibia | GRN | Fund |
A national sampling frame was used in the design of the sample.The sample design was a two-stage stratified cluster sample,where the first stage units were the PSUs and the second stage units were the households.Sample sizes were determined to give reliable estimates of the population characteristics at the regional levels,the lowest domain of estimationfor the LFS 2018.
A total of 10296 households constituted a representative sample from 572 PSUs across the country compared to 2480 households and 624 PSUs for LFS 2016.Power allocation procedure was adopted to distribute the sample across the regions so that the smaller regions will get adequate samples.
The final weights were constructed by calibrating the non-response adjusted design weights to the known population estimates as control totals.
The first full-scale Labour Force Survey in Namibia was carried out in 1997 under the National Household Survey Programme,launched after the Government endorsed th Five Year Plan for the Development of Statistics in 1993.Since then,nine Labour Force Surveys(1997,2000,2004,2008,2012,2013,2014,2016 and 2018) have beenconducted in the country at more lewss regular intervals of every four years up to 2012 then from there annualy. The Annual Labour Force Survey of 2018 was the fifth annua Labour Force Suvey to be conducted by the Namibian Statistics Agency(NSA).There was no Labour Force Survey conducted in 2015 due to the Implemmentation of the 2015/2016 Namibia Household and Income Survey(NHIES).In 2017 the survey was not conducted due to limited funds.
Organization name | Abbreviation | URL |
Namibia Statistics Agency | NSA | |
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Namibia Staistics Agency | NSA | GRN | producer |